सोमवार, 2 जनवरी 2012

DNS Resolve within and without "WWW" - OK


Happy New Year 2011, Cards, Horoscopes, 2011 Calendar, Christmas

Share Happy New Year wishes with your loved ones in New Year 2011. 123newyear.com is a source of horoscope, newyear resolution, new year cards, messages, wallpapers or calendars. This New Year 2011 you can expect a lot happening in your life.

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123newyear.com Website Analysis


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Internal: 1
External: 141
We'll regularly collect statistics of host links' amount of change on this site and represent it in the form of a diagram. Such a diagram can be seen as an example for the site twitter.com

Why is this data so important?

Inner links from the main site's page show the most important site's sections and serves as one of the mostimportant factors of domain ranking as a whole.
External links from the main page tie the site with other sites and determines the site's niche.
Relation of external links to inner links influences the distribution of the site's weight in general. To grow the amount of indexed pages, it's desirable that the amount of inner links prevail.
A great number of external links (or their quick growth) can be the sign that your site has been hacked and that links to SPAM resources have been added to footer or hidden div elements in the HTML of your site. So, for example, Cancanit knows that Morticianrecords.com has more than 23079external links.

Indexed pages: 85

We'll regularly collect statistics of indexed pages' amount of change on this site and represent it in the form of a diagram. Such a diagram can be seen as an example for the site twitter.com

Why is this data so important?

The amount of indexed pages first of all indicates the domain weight. Web masters have to strive for making the number of indexed pages close to the actual number of pages. If the amount of indexed web pages exceeds the actual one, this can be a result of duplicate content.
In some cases, search engines consider duplicate content as cheating and manipulation... (continue reading)

Backwards: 2,615
We'll regularly collect statistics of backwards changes on this site and represent it in the form of a diagram. Such a diagram can be seen as an example for the site twitter.com

Why is this data so important?

The amount of backward links points to the domain popularity on the Internet: the more links are given to this recourse, the more the resource is important and its traffic increases.
Backward links are one of the external factors influencing the site`s popularity and its location in SERPs

Heatmap123newyear.com heatmap

Why is this data so important?

Heatmap is an F-shaped principle of how web-pages are read: two horizontal strips and one vertical. Using this principle we've suggested where your visitors' eyes will be directed to first at the main page.
This data can help you in placing the most important site's blocks in the hottest places. This will help to increase the site's trafficobility and raise profitability.
This is an estimated data only.

Why is this data so important?

About 23% of all Internet users when entering site's address in their browsers add the prefix www to the domain name (for example, when trying to enter yahoo.com type www.yahoo.com). But, not all sites correctly adjust DNS for their domain that actually leads to the loss of visitors who couldn't enter your site. An obvious case for such site is Film.guardian.co.uk.

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